Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat Profile Banner
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat Profile
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat



I’m Rolf @warwickuni campus cat. I live with my family near campus but love my uni friends. Ambassacat for student well being. #RelaxWithRolf every Friday.

Warwick University, England
Joined June 2015
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
21 hours
Rolf report 12 May: I was asked to line up with all the other well-being critters for a photo shoot. Turned out they were pretty well-behaved in the end, and nothing went wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m not keeping a sharp eye on them. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 12 March: Being an academic cat, I love to hang out amongst the books in Claudia’s office in the Economics Department. There’s just a big enough gap behind the bookshelf so I can swish my tail like a pendulum. Were these bookshelves built specially for me? Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Dec 20: Today is my birthday. I’m 4 years old. My family is happy to spend the day with me before they leave for Christmas in the USA. My friend Sherry is moving in to supervise me for the festive season. She got me a special cat rucksack to take me to campus. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
2 years
Rolf report 1 Sept: Hi everyone! I’ve dusted off my hi-viz ‘Campus Cat’ jacket & put it on again. I’m ready to jump into my cat duties for autumn, which by one measure starts today. I hope one & all had a super summer. Over the next week I’ll show you what I got up to. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
My American human is sad because his Aunt Bo has died in her care home in Chicago. She was 88, clever, sparkly & fiercely caring. She was a defender of her family & worthy causes. She loved & protected cats. Her spirit will be missed in this world. Journey well Aunt Bo. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Nov 20: I received a lovely furry rainbow toy posted to me c/o the Economics Department. The sender was anonymous. I was so excited that I tossed it all over Claudia’s desk & she had to restrain me to stop me falling off. Whoever you are, I like it very much. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 12 Nov: Some days, it’s the right thing for my humans to post a film of me doing clever things. Some days it’s the right thing to just post a simple photo of me in my black cat magnificence. Today’s a photo day in solidarity with beautiful black cats everywhere.Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
3 years
Rolf report 20 Dec: It’s my birthday! I’m five years old today. My family gave me some scrunchy tissue paper to play with & squirty cream as a treat. I’ll go to campus as usual. The simple pleasures mean a lot when the world we’re living in is tough for so many people. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
7 months
Rolf report 16 Oct: I love running up the stairs in the FAB building. It never fails to satisfy. Many students recognise me from my social and want to say hello. Others just seem to think ‘Oh, just another long black cat in a high viz jacket on a lead strolling about. No biggie’.…
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Jan 26: My humans took me to the vet as I’ve been subdued & quiet. She said I’ve got a sore back & gave me an anti-inflammatory injection. I’m much better already. The vet said she could tell I’m a laid back little fella as my heart rate wasn’t raised at all. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Nov 30: Last night was my first performance in the ⁦ @pantosocwarwick ⁩ panto “The Little Mermaid”. I didn’t quite go where I was supposed to but no one seemed to mind. For my next performance the humans are thinking of changing the bribe to squirty cream. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Today is #BlackCatDay . I send greetings to my fellow black cats across the world. I hope you get lots of extra treats on this special day, such as squirty cream or chicken pieces. If you’re a human thinking of getting a cat, choose a black cat. You will never regret it. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 22 March: There’s no greater pleasure for us cats than a warm, comfortable bed. I’ve trained my American human to turn on the electric blanket when he sees me sleeping on my favourite human bed. He says it’s worth it to keep me quiet for a few hours. Stay safe. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 20 Dec: Today is my 7th birthday. I’m spending it, and Christmas too, at the lovely Calcutt Cattery. They know how to do birthdays right. Here I am celebrating in my ‘cat chalet’, with all the proper kit. They’re just about to bring me some treats & pawsecco. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 29 March: As I’m not allowed out on my own at present, I’ve become an indoor DangerCat. My latest party trick is to have a snooze on the bannister on the top stairs. It’s two inches wide & there’s a ten foot drop on one side. Keeping the humans on their toes. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report August 24: When my family come to collect me from campus, they rattle my Dreamies box so I come running. Yesterday they put supermarket own-brand cat treats in my box rather than Dreamies. This is what happened. Don’t think I don’t know the difference humans! Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
10 months
Rolf report 4 July: I’ve packed my suitcase (well I’ve taken over the suitcase & made it my bed). It’s vacation time & my campus duties are over for the summer so I’m going to take my annual break from social media. I’ll be back on 2 September with my daily reports. Wishing…
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
I was given a special award at the Warwick University awards. The university gave me freedom of the Warwick campus in recognition of the way that I help to bring the community together. My family is welling up. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Jan 1: Here’s the moment I was reunited with my humans yesterday after their 10 day trip to the USA. I had my own 10 day holiday with my Christmas carer, Sherry. My humans thought I might have forgotten them but of course I hadn’t. I was so happy to see them. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 months
Rolf report 20 Dec: Today is my 8th birthday. I’m going to celebrate here at home with my English Human & American Human, plus our friend Dr Sherry & her cat Lizzie. I send out a virtual sniss to all my friends here at the uni & around the world. I’m so grateful for your many…
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 14 Jan: I do love to have 5am snuggles with my humans. I am very vocal & persistent at this time. There is no possibility of them getting any more sleep once they get the Rolf early morning snuggles treatment. It’s a lovely start to their day. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
2 years
Getting ready to turn on the campus Christmas tree lights at @warwickuni . Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
8 months
Rolf report 25 Sept: I have a new game I play on the staircase. I slip down backwards one stair at a time while using my claws to hold on. I’ve only gone a few stairs at a time so far but it’s a lot of fun. My humans are completely baffled at why anyone would want to do this.…
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
When my English human was in Taiwan in September, she went to a pottery class & made me a bowl. She paid for it to be fired & shipped & it finally arrived at our house this week. I gave it a test run with some squirty cream & I must say that my new bowl’s the perfect size. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 26 April: Although under lockdown, I’m still at the beating heart of university life. Student exams have been switched to online. The students get spoof questions so they can try out the exam system: I’m the topic. Hello to all my student friends taking exams. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
3 years
Hello friends. I’m back on Twitter. Someone hacked my account. Everything’s back to normal except the hacker changed the language of my account to German & my human’s struggling to follow the instructions to put my account information back. Thanks for the lovely messages. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Sept 8: Here’s my grand entrance when I visited the Economics Department yesterday. I always rush straight to Claudia’s office where I can play with my scratching post, find treats in the drawer & sleep on her desk in my cat bed. @claudiarei2312 ⁩ filmed me. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
2 years
Rolf report 19 July: As I had mentioned recently, I am going to take a break from social media for a bit. I’m putting aside my hi-viz jacket and taking a cat holiday while my humans travel etc. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and see you again on 1st September! Rolf xxx
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Nov 23: When my family is out of town, I’m not allowed to roam free on campus. One human was in Australia & the other in London so I was under house arrest all day. When my human got home I protested loudly. He made it up to me with chicken fillet & cuddles. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 12 July. My American human tracks me via my GPS so he knows when I’m on my way back from campus. He often meets me on the lane which is 250 yards/metres from home & we’ll walk back the last part together. No leashes or carrying needed. Just two bros together. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 18 Dec: I want to let everyone know that I am going to take a break from social media for a few weeks, though I will make special posts on 20th (my b-day), 24th & 31th Dec. I’ll be fully back in action 8 Jan. In the meantime please have a lovely holidays! Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 23 Feb: My life‘s so different now to how it was a year ago when I had an accident with a van. I still get to patrol my favourite campus on my own but I’m driven there, I wear my hi vis vest & I get tracked via GPS. I’ve just adapted & I’m a happy little fella. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 15 Jan: When I walked into the Oculus building I announced my presence with several loud meows, and these two students dashed over to meet me. They knew me online but had never met the real thing. I love bringing a bit of cat joy to uni people. It’s what I do! Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
My family wanted to say “thank you” for all the brilliant birthday messages I got yesterday. They loved reading every one. Some Twitter friends asked to see a kitten photo. Here I am at ten weeks old. My family thinks I’m still as cute. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 1 Feb: Some people don’t want black cats as they don’t photo well. My humans think I photograh beautifully. They call this one “Mr Cat with still life”. To slightly change a poem by Lord Byron: “All that’s best of dark & bright, meet in his aspect & his eyes”. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
8 months
Rolf report 3 Sept: Whilst my humans were away and ignoring their cat duties, ever loyal Dr Sherry was helping to look after me. We’re the bestest of friends, as everyone should know. Here we are down the lane from my house, out for a walk on a cool summer evening. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report June 19: I've had the final fitting for my rainbow sequin jacket. I'm wearing it to the Warwick University Awards on June 24, for which I've been shortlisted with my campus mom Claudia. I am as totally relaxed about wearing this as I am my usual hi vis jacket. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 5 Feb: Cont’d… Rachel took me to Dr Claudia’s office. My English Human & Dr C got me to a night vet. I had a broken hip, was in shock. I was close to dying. I came thru somehow. Nearly 4 months in a cage, & with lots of love sent from all of you, I healed up. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 28 Feb: I’m having a fun time at home with my carer Sherry ⁦ @5herrycxz ⁩ while my family is in Sweden. Sherry always brings out my mischievous side. I’m so much more badly behaved with her than when I’m with the family. They’d like to apologise to Sherry. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
3 years
On 4th February 2019, two years ago, I was knocked down by a van on campus. Fortunately medical student Rachel witnessed the accident & saved my life. I broke my hip & spent 8 weeks in my crate. My life changed forever that day: now I wear a hi vis coat & a tracker collar. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 16 Jan: I’m able to live the life I want, as safe as I can be, because my human drives me to campus most days & delivers me to the Economics Department to have my second breakfast & start my day. I will go to campus anyway & this way I avoid crossing two roads. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf’s holiday report day 3: Here’s some evidence that I’m being my normal, glorious, vocal self during my stay at the cattery. Today I’m celebrating #BlackCatAppreciationDay in solidarity with black cats everywhere. Often we get overlooked for adoption but we’re fabulous. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 3 April: Every day during social isolation, I take my humans for a walk on my leash. The golden rule for humans about leash walking with a cat is the cat is in charge of both direction & speed. Sometimes my humans have trouble keeping up but I’m training them. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
2 years
A special notice today…I just wanted to let my loyal friends know in advance that I’ll be taking a break from Twitter for 6 weeks, from 19 July to 1 Sept. My humans will be travelling a good deal during that time & the uni is largely shut as well. I plan to snooze a lot! Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Sept 29: Yesterday, some of my campus friends & local Twitter friends came to see me at home. My friend Sherry tried to take me for a walk on my leash. I just wanted to sit on her shoulder & watch the world go by. She described herself as a “walking cat tree”. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 22 Feb: I have such a special bond with my American human. Here we are in Claudia’s office in the Economics Department. He’s giving me my daily pep talk on how to patrol campus safely. I listen to him but then I do things my way. After all, I am a cat. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 24 March: My English human has switched to virtual meetings from home. Her challenge is that I insist on joining in by caterwauling loudly. Even when she locks me in a room on the other side of the house, my piercing call can be heard online. Film: @claudiarei2312
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Nov 21: I’ve been playing bathtub golf with my American human. I watched the ball carefully, made my intervention at precisely the right moment & scored a hole in one. Now he wants to nominate me for the British team in the cat Olympics. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report October 30: When I’m under house arrest, I spend hours sat in the window observing all the little creatures in the garden. My family puts mugs of water on the windowsills for me so I can drink whilst I’m on watch duty. It’s important for a cat to stay hydrated. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Dec 17: I live with my family in a very old house. Parts of it go back 300 years. One of the benefits from a cat perspective is that it has uneven floors, allowing ping pong balls to become self-propelling. I can play this game for hours without any human help. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Dec 28: I’m building a close bond with Sherry who is looking after me over the holidays. We’re having lots of adventures together. Sherry takes me to campus every day for walks on my leash. When I’m feeling lazy I jump on her shoulder & let her do the walking. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Dr Sherry is a very responsible pet owner so she has taken kitten Lizzie to the vet to be spayed. Lizzie is having to wear an avocado so she doesn’t lick or scratch her wound. Lizzie is a little sore but she’s making a good recovery. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Sept 14: My male human (the American one) had been away for ten days visiting his US family. He returned home yesterday & came to collect me from campus in the late afternoon. This little film show our reunion: my moments of pure joy at seeing him again. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 18 Feb: On a chilly winter night, I love to sneak under the duvet to enjoy the gentle warmth of the electric under blanket. In the eternal war for bed space with the humans, of course the cat gets the priority. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 31 May: Not-So-Kitten Lizzie is staying over with Dr Claudia now for a while, so that I can recuperate from her latest visit. When Dr Claudia pulled up this photo of me lying on my white cat pillow, Lizzie wanted to sit & stare at it. There might be a wee chance that…
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
In June, I was awarded freedom of the campus by @warwickuni so when my human went for a cup of coffee at Xananas restaurant on campus yesterday, I went too. The staff served me a mountain of squirty cream on a disposable plastic lid so I didn’t use any of the human plates. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 12 Feb: Yesterday lots of my Twitter buddies were eagerly awaiting the film of my reunion with my American human at the cattery. & who am I to disappoint? It was exactly as my friends expected. I was extremely vocal & my caterwauling continued all the way home. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
2 years
Here’s my “official” birthday portrait taken on my birthday by Dr Sherry. Thanks to all my lovely Twitter friends who sent birthday wishes. It has been like a positive tsunami of love. People who think that social media is a negative place, don’t understand #CatsofTwitter . Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
I previously posted photos of kitten Lizzie wearing her avocado collar so she couldn’t lick her surgery wound after being spayed. I have an update. Firstly, Lizzie’s moved on from an avocado to a donut with blue icing. Secondly, she continues to make a fantastic recovery. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Ever since she was 6 years old, my English human has wanted a swinging garden chair & now she’s finally got one. Of course I have claimed it for my own. Last night some friends came round for dinner in the garden & I took part on my leash. I gently swayed on my new chair. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Jan 28: My 4th day of rehab. My sore back is healing well. I’m enjoying leash walks around the garden & interacting with the little creatures. I’m not showing much interest in my usual distance walking but I’m eating like a horse. I’ll be back on campus soon. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
My American human has a relative in Chicago, Aunt Bo, who’s very poorly. She’s always loved cats & had some of us critters around the house most of her life. She took very good care of them & loved them dearly. We’re sending loving vibes to Aunt Bo from England. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 22 Feb: When I heard that the Warwick Arts Centre, which sits smack in the middle of campus, was showing ‘Puss in Boots: The Last Wish’, I just had to go see it myself. Many thanks to the centre’s Sam & Olivia for the invite & the content assist! Curtains up! Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 28 June: The 3 rules of leash walking with your cat as demonstrated by my human: 1) The cat decides the route; 2) The human must leap/scale/battle though any obstacles to the cat’s chosen path; 3) The human must speed up/slow down according to the cat’s wishes. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
8 months
Rolf report 7 Sept: If you’re staying over at my house and intend to do some work at the dining room table whilst you’re here, expect a black cat in your face. As sure as night follows day. And the cat doesn’t need to explain anything, btw. He’s just there. In your face. Go on…
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 2 July: My campus mom Dr Claudia came by to accompany me on my leash walk. She takes such beautiful photos of me. Here’s my angelic pose. You wouldn’t think this is the same cat that drags his humans through bushes & scales 50 foot trees & refuses to come down. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Feb 2: Most days, my humans drive me to campus in the catmobile. If they didn’t do this, I’d walk there & I need to cross two roads. So many of the actions my humans take are intended to reduce the risks in my high-risk lifestyle. I’m super-relaxed in the car. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Jan 5: Yesterday I was reunited with my campus mom Claudia who’s returned to the Economics Department following the Christmas break. As ever, I was overjoyed to see her. I had cuddles & snacks with Claudia before I ventured out to campus via her office window. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 25 Feb: I met 170 student friends at my cat cafe in the University Library. I’ve the perfect disposition to be a “meet & greet” cat. I’m calm & happy with lots of people around. My American human doesn’t really mind being a cat accessory. Film by Paige Tracey. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Oct 11: My favourite location to eat breakfast is Claudia’s office. Often my family will give me a bowl of food at home which I refuse but when I get to Claudia’s office she gives me a packet of the same food & I wolf it down as if I haven’t eaten for a week. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Nov 1: My friend Sherry came to see me for Halloween. She dressed up as my doppelgänger so we could greet the children who visited the house for trick or treat. I was very relaxed meeting all the visitors. Sherry fed me squirty cream so I was a happy cat. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 18 Jan: My Anglo-American family spent Christmas with the US relatives so today they’re having a delayed English Christmas with the UK relatives. I found the sunniest spot (a sun puddle) to groom myself & it just happened to be on top of the Christmas presents. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 4 March: My family has several nicknames for me including “Mr Cat” & “His Lordship”. They also call me “The Alarm Cat” as every morning at 5.30am, I wake them with my piercing meow. It’s time for them to get up & make food offerings to their favourite feline. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 8 Nov: Guy Fawkes Night was last Thursday but several families nearby set off fireworks last night. Many pets are terrified of the loud bangs but I just calmly sleep through them. This “cool as a cucumber” personality is part of what makes me a good campus cat. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 2 April: As I get used to my temporary role change from campus cat to house cat, I am exploring the house like never before. I’m finding lots of nooks & crannies to hide in. My latest place is inside the large printer that my American human keeps in his office. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
11 months
Rolf report 1 July: Now that covid is somewhat under control, my humans are up to their usual peripatetic ways again. That means that this summer they’re on the road a lot. So I think it’s a good time to take another break from social media for a while. The twist this summer…
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Dec 26: Sherry has been taking me (or I’ve taken her)on leash walks on campus. Here’s the moment we popped in to see the wonderful campus security team - my special friends who watch out for me & keep me safe on campus. The team’s been working all of Christmas. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
Rolf report 31 Dec: My American Human came to pick me up at the lovely Calcutt Cattery, though of course I had to give him an earful right away. More importantly though, I hope all my fab followers have had an excellent holidays so far and here’s to a great start to 2023! Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
8 months
Rolf report 27 Sept: Several days a week I visit Dr Claudia’s. At the end of the day my American Human usually comes by to scoop me up and take me back home. At roughly the appointed hour, I often go to Dr Claudia’s first floor window to look for him. Oh - and did I mention that…
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 13 Jan: I got a new GPS collar so my humans took me for a long leash walk to check the GPS was fully functioning before they let me loose with it on campus. I’ve trained my humans to take me on leash walks on my terms, not theirs. They always let me steer. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Oct 26: When I first started to visit the campus & invade the buildings, my family was concerned that I would be regarded as a nuisance & thrown out. The reality is that I’m welcomed with love by staff & students. Here’s my recent visit to @Warwick_Law School. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 21 March: As my family is following the #Covid19 advice, like millions of others, they’re mostly staying indoors now. My American human is keeping our spirits up by encouraging me to do my death-defying party tricks. I mostly go along with him to humour him. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 30 July: The ⁦ @warwickuni ⁩ campus may be quiet currently, but I’m present there in many ways. Not only do I patrol daily, helping keep it safe until my friends the staff & students return, I also appear regularly on the big screen at the heart of campus. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Dec 2: I’m always on the lookout for new Rolf-shaped places to sit & sleep in the house & my latest is the sink in the bathroom. It’s a tussle for control of the sink when my human wants to clean his teeth. Eventually I gave in & moved to the bathtub. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 14 March: My human was tracking my return from campus. My GPS coordinates showed me nearly home so he left the house to collect me. Ahead there was a dog. My human couldn’t find me. Then he realised I was up a tree: my escape route from the dog. I’m not stupid. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 14 Feb: My English human was working in London & my campus mom Claudia was in Spain so I spent the day home alone with my American human. I took him for a couple of long leisurely leash walks. We timed them to avoid the deluge of rain. Life is good. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Oct 11: I’m getting used to the new ramp up to the front door of the Economics Department. My family has renamed it Rolf’s ramp. The family wanted to check whether the electronic doors worked, even for a little fella like me. I was able to open them easily. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report August 23: When I’m in the car, I try to sit in front of the driver’s windscreen. I like to watch the windscreen wiper moving & I keep pushing the windscreen wiper control down with my paw. My family doesn’t know if I’ve actually worked out how to do it or not. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Dec 25: I hope that Twitter friends near & far are having a very merry Christmas. It’s lovely for me to be able to spend Christmas in my own home thanks to my super-carer Sherry @5herrycxz ⁩. Watch out for films of what we’ve been up to in my next reports. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report Jan 4: The boiler has broken down in my house & cant be fixed until next week so there’s no central heating. I’m making the most of the situation by finding lots of lovely new warm places to snuggle next to the temporary heaters. Always look on the bright side. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report August 9: I’m wearing my new orange lightweight jacket for the first time. My human made it from a cut-down adult hi vis vest she bought in the market for £1. She incorporated the reflective strip that was in the previous jacket. Lots of effort to keep me safe. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
2 years
So I’m not the only cat that is doing the #CattechinoChallenge . Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf’s Parole Diary day 1: I am liberated from my crate! The vet says I’m making good progress. There’s sensitivity in my left leg but he’s not concerned. Now I have to get my strength back. I will stay in one room with no jumping for 4 days then house arrest for 3 weeks. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
7 months
Rolf report 5 Oct: When I am sitting in the middle of campus whilst waiting for students to come by and say hello, sometimes I hear a commotion a little ways away. It usually goes like this: “OMG! Is that Rolf? I’ve never met him!” And then a scuttle of feet my direction. All…
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf report 12 Oct: My campus mom Dr Claudia has positioned my cat bed under the lamp. So now I get a comfy place to sleep, a view of the garden with all the little critters moving around & some lovely direct heat, all at the same time. It’s a multi-sensory cat experience. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf’s 2nd report April 27: Here is my moment of liberation, from the back door of the Economics Department. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
3 years
Rolf report 25 Feb: I was meowing loudly to be let out of the house but my family was ignoring me. So I decided to block the internal human traffic flow in the house by lying across the top stair. If I can’t go where I want, then they can’t go where they want either. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
3 years
Rolf report 18 April: My American human has bought a selfie stick to take better pictures & films of me. He’s renamed it the Rolfie stick. Here we are on our walk (well his walk) to campus through the woods via the safer Southern Passage route. The Rolfie stick is good. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
5 years
Rolf report Nov 8: I was so happy to be liberated after five days of house arrest. Here’s the glorious moment of my reunion with Claudia in the Economics Department. My family is happy too that they can let me be the cat I want to be now that firework season is over. Rolf x
Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
1 year
It’s been snowing outside my house and the highly territorial and aggressive Neighbourhood Terror Cat is patrolling his domain. I can only watch him from the window swishing my tail angrily. My humans think it’s safer to keep me away from the NTC. Rolf x
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Rolf the Warwick University Campus Cat
4 years
Rolf’s lockdown diary 19 May: There are many incorrect ideas about black cats: 1) they don’t photograph well; 2) they can’t be photographed against a dark background. My human bought some new black sheets & they provide a striking contrast to the magnificence of my coat. Rolf x
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