Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda Profile Banner
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda Profile
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda



Robert went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2022. His friends Janet, Barbs and Amanda look after his account now. Donations for cats -

Birmingham, England
Joined November 2018
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Robert's human here - I have some truly devastating news to tell you. My beautiful Robert has been killed. I am too upset to write about it but ITV has written a lovely article on their website. It only happened this afternoon.
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
This is my first real tweet and I hope I'm doing it right, it isn't as easy as it looks. I'll keep you up to date with things here, I think Robert would like that. I still don't understand where he is but the humans are being extra nice to me. There's probably a reason for that.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Our human has just told me this shocking news. She is very upset and so is Colin. Colin took photos of RF on Friday and he looked fine. And now this. I don't understand much about this sort of thing but I'm sure RF and ET are together and are happy.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
You won't believe this - I had to go to the vet last night and I fell asleep while I was there. When I opened my eyes I was sitting on Ken's lap with Robert! I have no idea how I got here but I like it. Robert told me it's 🌈allotments. I wonder if I can tweet from here?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Barbara here - The past few days have been very confusing. Miss Dorothy was rushed off somewhere without saying goodbye. Our human told me she's gone to 🌈allotments to meet Robert. I feel a bit left out but Betty said it wasn't my turn to go yet. Is it ok if I tweet sometimes?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Janet here - Is it alright if I tweet today? I don't think I will be as good as the others, but if I don't try, I'll never know. Barbs and I are the only cats here now. Don't worry about the ones who have gone, they will keep in touch. Dorothy will make sure of that.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Very sad news - E.T. has gone to the Rainbow Allotments🌈 Our human told me she was missing for a day or two and then she went to be with my Best Boy. Barbs and I are worried about how Red Fred will cope without her. Our human is upset, she will write about E.T. soon.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
5 months
Hello everyone, this is my very first Tweet. I am SO happy because I belong to Betty and Colin now! It's a lovely feeling to know that they want me to be theirs. Barbs is getting used to me and he doesn't mind if I Tweet sometimes. I hope I'm doing it right, this is all new to me
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Thank you so much for all the messages. I can only read a few at a time through the tears, but I will get there in the end. Someone suggested we get a bench in Robert's memory and I love the idea. I miss him more than you can imagine. Betty
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Barbara told me that it's our birthday today. I think it's a bit strange that all of us have the same birthday but apparently this day was chosen for us. I might go for a walk with Barbs today, I'll see how I feel. There's still no sign of my boy, maybe Barbs knows something.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Barbs kept me and our human company in the big greenhouse yesterday. He doesn't say much but he knows there is something wrong. Robert still hasn't come back and I'm beginning to believe he really has gone to that rainbow allotment place. I hope they love him as much as we did.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
You can't imagine how fed up I was yesterday. My human told me she had problems with 'logging-in' but that didn't make any sense to me. I don't think Robert ever had a problem. He's been at Rainbow allotments for over a week now, I miss him so much. I wish I'd been kinder to him.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Robert's Memorial Garden - Update. The area has been chosen and a group of plot holders will help. There will be 2 beautiful statues of my boy and a lovely bench for the humans. There will be Nip. We hope it will be ready later this year. My Best Boy will never be forgotten.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I heard our human say that there is going to be a little 'Memorial Garden' for my Robert and this will be perfect for it. Nicole and Jenny gave it to us, wasn't that kind? We will put the bench there too, and a lovely planter. Our human says we can sit there and remember Robert.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
5 years
My human and I want to thank everyone who has stood with us in our campaign to save the allotments. Your support means more than we can say. There are so many kind humans from all over the world who I might never meet, but to know how much they care means everything to me.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
Red Fred was really sad when his best friend E.T. went to Rainbow Allotments. Only a month later he joined her. E,T. was disabled and he never left her side. He wasn't ill, or old so we think he died of a broken heart. They are together now, so we shouldn't be sad. But we are..
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
It's 6 weeks since my Best Boy moved to the Rainbow Allotments. At first, I couldn't believe he had gone without saying goodbye but our human keeps telling me that he didn't have a choice. I think about him all the time. One day I will go there too and we will be together again.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
A few days after our human took this photo my Best Boy left me to go to the🌈allotments. He didn't tell me he was going and I couldn't understand why. It's been 4 months now and I still don't understand. I think about him all the time. Will I ever see him again?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Jenny and Nicole brought this little box for us yesterday. I heard them call it a 'casket' but I've never heard that word before. I don't know why, but I really needed to rub myself on it and I felt quite peaceful afterwards. Our human is going to keep it at her house.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
My good friend Robert used to get a bit embarrassed when Betty shared photos of him. Now she does it to me. The problem is, Robert was a very handsome cat but I am nothing special. I don't think she will stop so I suppose I'll have to put up with it.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Tell me the truth - do I look fat in this photo? Our human says I look as round as the cushion. That's rude, isn't it? I wish Robert was here to see it, he would say "Don't worry Dumpling, you look lovely to me". He was always kind to me, even though I didn't deserve it.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
For the next week I want to remember my friends who are no longer with us, starting with Robert. There is not enough room in a Tweet to tell you how special he was and how much he is missed.He achieved so much in his short life and we will never forget him. He was my best friend.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 months
(Terry Tabby) This is my first ever tweet. I am a girl. I like living here. Barbs is very calm. Amanda is scared of Mary. I am a bit shy. I'd like us all to be friends. I will try to do longer sentences if I tweet again. Please let me know if this tweet is alright.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I'm not a cat who likes to be picked up but it's different with Andy. I don't struggle and I gave him a little lick to show I liked it. Our human has never tried. I heard her say she's not brave enough. That's a bit silly, isn't it? What does she think I'm going to do to her?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
This 🌈place is weird. Weird in a good way though. When I woke up after my little nap at the vets I couldn't believe my eyes - I saw my Best Boy, Ken and all my friends! At first, I thought I was still at the vets and I wondered why they were there too! See you tomorrow.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
I am still in shock! I was fast asleep in my box when I had a feeling that I was not alone. When I opened my eyes I had such a lovely surprise to see that my Dorothy Dumpling was sharing it with me. I know she isn't very close, but it's early days and I don't want to rush things.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Our human has been sad. She's been thinking about all the cats who have gone OTRB🌈 I am trying to be extra nice to her. I feel embarrassed about how awful I used to be when I was young. I'm different now and I actually like the humans. It's never too late to change, is it?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Please excuse the messy table, our human hasn't done much tidying up lately. She's asked me to say that she is overwhelmed by your support and messages of sympathy. I wish I knew what she was talking about, it doesn't make sense to me. I'm going for another walk in a minute.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
It's National Black Cat Day today, so our human is sharing this one of Robert, my Best Boy. It's 6 months since he left us and we miss him SO much. He was so kind to me, even when I was horrible to him. He took shy Barbs for walks. He taught our human that all cats are special.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
My human has asked me to share some bad news with you. She told me that little Gloria Glover had left us and gone to stay with Ken. I can't understand why she would do this but I'm sure she will be happy with Ken because they loved each other very much. We will miss her.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
The humans have been so sad recently. I wanted to make them feel a bit better so I posed next to my Best Boy's statue for photos. I don't often do what they want, so I know they appreciated this. Thank you @SSmith51300228 for sending the statue, I love it so much.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
I am out of hospital but I am not going back to the allotments just yet. I have to stay indoors and take lots of medicine and have eye drops so I have moved in with Kate. I have my own room and she spends lots of time with me. She even let me have dinner on the bed, I love her!
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
26 days
(Betty) Robert's statue has put the finishing touch to his Memorial Garden. My eyes filled with tears when I saw it and it wasn't until I stroked him that I remembered it was a statue. I'm struggling to find enough words to thank the sculptor Tanya Russell for her amazing work.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Look what our human's friend Rachel Edwards gave her this morning - a fabulous drawing of my Robert. For one moment I thought he had come back to me and I had to check by sniffing it. Our human's husband thought it was a photo. Thank you Rachel, we love it so much.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
My human had some very sad news yesterday. One of the allotment humans died at home. He wasn't ill, he just died. He was so kind, he always helped my human to do things. He was so full of life, how can this happen to such a lovely human? My human is very upset. R.I.P. Cliff.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Thank you so much for all your concern about how us cats are coping with the noise. RF and E.T. live closest and they were not upset by it. The Stadium will be quiet till Tuesday when the athletics start. It's funny how humans like watching others running around, getting sweaty.
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Our human's granddaughter made this. She is 8. I am frightened of some little humans, but not this one. She doesn't chase me or shout. She loved Robert very much. I did too and I wish I had told him while he was here. Do you think he knew?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Can you believe that a reporter from @ITVCentral asked me to write something for their website? I was shocked but our human told me I should do it. Do you think anyone will read it?
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
It's a year today since my best friend Robert went away. I know he is happy with his friends at the Rainbow Allotments but I wish he was back here with me. He left so suddenly with no time to say goodbye and I miss him so much. Betty is very sad too but I will comfort her.🌈
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
5 months
Thank you so much for all the lovely comments about my first Tweet. Barbs said he was proud of me and we could take it in turns. I'm not sure about that. What will I write about? Would you like me to tweet again? I'm going to eat my first breakfast now, see you later. Amanda.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I'm starting to feel a little bit important. This very nice human came to interview me about our access problem. He took lots of photos of me, and asked our human's husband lots of questions. I think more humans are going to hear about our problem and that's good, isn't it?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Kate brought me back to the allotments yesterday and it was just like I'd never been away. I can't say that Dorothy was happy to see me, so nothing had changed. Thank you all so much for the good luck wishes, they really worked. I hope you all have a good Christmas, I know I will
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
My human thinks it's lovely how E.T. leans on Red Fred for support. Not so long ago there would have been an argument if she'd done this but RF accepts it as normal now. Red Fred is the perfect Support Cat isn't he?
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
The vet said that my eye is better now and I can go back to the allotments! I'm having a good wash for my Dorothy, I hope she is impressed, I'm really looking forward to seeing her, and Barbs too. I'll be sorry to leave Kate's but I'll still see her every day. Please wish me luck
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
My human entered us in a virtual cat show on Facebook and E.T. won her class! It was for cats with a disability and E.T. is well qualified as she was born with Wobbly Cat Syndrome and also had her ear flaps removed two years ago because of cancer. My human is so proud of her.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
I know my human appreciates me. She keeps telling me how beautiful I am but that's because she's weird. I am just a black cat, and probably look exactly like every other black cat. #BlackCatAppreciationDay
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 month
(Betty) Two years ago today Robert was killed in a tragic accident. I try not to think of that awful day but to remember the joy he brought to us. He touched the lives of people from all over the world and many followers became friends. He will always be in our hearts.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
The big greenhouse is my favourite place. I love to relax on the damp stones. Our human put a lovely soft cat bed in there but honestly, I prefer hard, lumpy stones. Humans have strange ideas about comfort. I'm sure if they tried the stones they would like them, wouldn't they?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Happy New Year everyone! I'm looking a bit thoughtful because I've been wondering about my new year resolutions. I've decided to tell Dorothy how I really feel about her. This might not be a good idea but I will never know if I don't do it. Please with me LOTS of luck.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
Dorothy and I can't work out why our human has been weirder than usual lately. She keeps muttering something about 'blocked' but we don't know what that means. She is much happier today, we think 'blocked' has been sorted. She thanks you all for your support. Whatever that means.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
The Nip yesterday was stronger than I thought. I had a lovely sleep and dreamed that Robert was with me. He told me he was sorry he didn't say goodbye and I told him I missed him so much. Do you think the Nip helped me to dream about him? I want it every day if it did.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
E.T. is such a wonderful girl. She has Wobbly Cat Syndrome but she is always happy and loves to share her shed with Red Fred. In 2019 she had cancer on her ears and the vet had to remove them. She recovered well and just got on with her life. She is a very brave girl, isn't she?
Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 months
(Betty) Brilliant news - Mary and Terry have found a new home with a lovely couple who fell in love with them. I'm very grateful to Pip for fostering them for a week and to the Shelter for finding them a new home in record time. Enjoy your new life girls!
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
This is one of my human's favourite photos of me. I have no idea why. I think I look exactly the same in every photo - a black cat with green eyes. There's nothing special about that, is there? When humans get ancient they have strange ideas.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
9 months
Betty always tells me that I have the best followers on Twitter. Almost everyone is so kind but sometimes an unkind thing is said. Betty and I are not going to let things like this spoil Twitter for us. She tells me we should look on the bright side of life. I agree, do you?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
When Red Fred first came to live with us he was really shy. He wouldn't go close to the humans, he watched them from on top of a shed roof and wouldn't come down till they'd gone. Look at him now! I think he is happy living with us.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
I sat on Jeanette's bench and thought about things. Like how Betty, who has never owned a cat in her life, ended up looking after 7 of us. She was even a bit scared of cats to begin with. Robert changed that by showing her just how amazing we are. Robert is missed every day.🌈
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
It's hard to believe that just over a year ago there were seven of us cats living on the allotments. Now there are just three. Our human wishes Janet would move into the veranda with me and Barbs but I think she's a bit scared of me. What can I do? I'm not scary, am I?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
E.T. was a sweet little girl who was born with a disability. She wobbled when she walked and often fell over. Red Fred became her Support Cat. 4 years ago she had her ears removed because of cancer. Despite these problems she was happy. She went to 🌈allotments last August.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
The vet was very pleased with me. He took the stitches and contact lens out. I kept very still while he did it. I am healing well and I don't have to have quite so much medicine or drops. Still have to wear the silly collar though. My eyelid is a bit sore so I'm keeping it closed
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Until recently I have only eaten dry food. Sammy has been bringing some chicken from home and I love it! Our human and all her family are vegan but she understands that cats need meat. I don't want to think about it too much but Sammy is very kind and she loves us.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 months
Colin grew up in a country where cats were not popular. The first cats he ever got to know were allotment cats. Now, he comes to the allotments twice a day, every day, to feed us and make a fuss of us. We are so happy that he changed!
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
Please don't worry, I am alright. I had something wrong with my eye and I had to have an operation yesterday. The vet said it was successful. The vets and nurses here love me, they said I am a perfect patient! This is my 3rd day here and if everything is ok, I might go home soon.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
Like most cats, I LOVE a cardboard box! I have so many cat beds to choose from but this box is my favourite. I like the high sides and the low front, it makes me feel safe. I know it doesn't look very special, but sometimes the simple things are the best. What do you think?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
It is three months today since my Best Boy left me. Wouldn't it be fabulous if he had somehow passed a message on to Janet to tell her that we were worried about her, and that's why she has come back! It makes our human upset to see his lovely face.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
Betty learned something yesterday. She takes lots of photos of me and I usually have my eyes almost shut. She thought that maybe the sun was too bright but a friend told her the reason - we do this when we are relaxed and happy. I could have told her that if she'd asked me.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
Look who's back - little Janet! I wish I knew where she goes when we don't see her for ages, but she keeps that a secret. My human's husband sat next to her while she was eating so the crows wouldn't steal her food. Then he gave them the left-overs. Janet is so cute and cuddly.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I'm not really looking my best because Kate had just finished washing my face. I can't do it myself because I have to wear one of those silly collars to protect my eye. I am eating well and taking my medicine. Kate keeps me company because she works from home, I like it here.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Our human's little granddaughter took this photo of Red Fred when she came to Birmingham a few days ago. He was a bit shy with her this time because she forgot to take some Dreamies for him. It's still a good photo though, isn't it?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 months
(Barbs) The girls have asked me to wish you all a very Happy New Year. We want to thank you for being such lovely, kind followers every day of the year. It means so much to us. With love to you all from me, Janet, Amanda, Mary and Terry. x
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
Isn't it funny how my coat changes colour in the sunshine? That doesn't happen to my Dorothy Dumpling or to Barbara, they always look the same. It doesn't bother me or my human, she loves me whatever I look like.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
It was quite noisy here last night. We are all used to the noise from the Stadium now so it didn't bother us too much. Susie took this photo of me on my scratching pad. I thought it was a new bed, but she told me I was supposed to scratch it. Why would I scratch a new bed? Weird
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
6 months
As soon as Colin sits down Amanda jumps up onto his lap. I hope she can stay with us. Maybe she could even write a tweet sometimes. Do you think that would be a good idea? Betty says we should wait until she is really ours. I don't want to think about her leaving.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
I just found out that it's my birthday today. It can't be my 'real' birthday because nobody knows when that is so I think it's something to do with winning our campaign on April 11th last year. It's my 'official' birthday and I'm going to celebrate. Where's the Nip?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Memories - I often remember the lovely walks I had with Robert. I was very shy to begin with but he soon made me feel more confident. After he left, I thought maybe Miss Dorothy would join me on a walk but she wasn't interested. I miss them both so much..
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
E.T. has won a Facebook competition for cats with disabilities! We are all so proud of her, I think there is going to be a big Nip party later today. I hope I'm invited.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Our human told me that yesterday there was a Hedgewatch for Robert and lots of humans sent really lovely messages. She said he has settled down at Rainbow Allotments and won't be coming back. My life isn't the same any more, will it ever be normal again? #HedgewatchforRobert
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
I know I am only a cat, and cats aren't supposed to notice these things, but I think our allotments look beautiful at this time of year. Barbara agrees with me and we stopped our morning walk so my human could take a photo. Do you like it?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Barbs has lived at the allotments for 4 years now. This is the very first time he has jumped up onto Ken's bench so Colin could give him a fuss. He's sat with Jeanette in the past, but nobody else. Our human says he is 'choosy'. There she goes again, another weird word.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I was half-asleep when our human took this photo, can you tell? My Best Boy used to tell me that she was always taking silly photos of him too. I don't know what it is with these humans, they have some funny habits. I'm glad I'm a cat, humans are very strange.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
5 months
Amanda here - I've lived at the allotments since April so why did I wait so long to be friendly? Colin was so easy to train. He now puts 2 sachets in my bowl for breakfast and then a 3rd when I've eaten them. Sammy brings fresh chicken. Food and Fuss, I'm having the Best Life.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
1 year
The new cat and I had a bit of an argument yesterday. I was hoping we would be friends but he had other ideas. I keep remembering how kind Robert was to me when I was new. I'm trying to be like Robert but the new cat isn't making it easy. I hope things get better.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
My human told me that today is a special day. I think it's something to do with the date. I sat on the picnic table and wondered what it could be then she wished me a Happy New Year and I understood. I hope the new year is a good one for all of you, thank you for being my friends
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 months
(Barbs) This is a very unusual photo of me. Do you know why? My eyes are wide open for a change! When Betty takes my photo I nearly always have squinty eyes but Pip took this one and I look so different. I really like it, do you?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I had a lovely nap in this very comfortable box and dreamed that our access problem had been sorted. I believe it will be, my human won't give up. She wants to thank you for your fantastic support and advice. She says you are the #BFoT (Best Followers on Twitter)
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
I am so happy, look how close we are! I felt a bit tense when Dorothy jumped up beside me but she didn't try to smack me and she quickly settled down. I couldn't stop looking at her beautiful face. This is something I could only dream of before, now my dreams are coming true.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
It was sunny yesterday so I sat outside the veranda and waited for my human. I love being an allotment cat, it's the sort of life I used to dream about before I came here. I have food, freedom and lots of love from humans. What more could I want?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 months
(Amanda) Did you know that I've moved to Colin's shed? It might not look as good as the veranda but I absolutely love it! I can relax here and don't have to worry about Mary chasing me. It's good for Colin too because he's ancient and I make sure he sits down for a rest.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Barbs loves to help in the big greenhouse. The only problem is that his idea of 'help' is different to our human's. She puts paper on top of seeds so they come up quickly but Barbs thinks it's for him to sit on. Our human lets him do it because she's a bit soft.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
Little Janet waits for Colin every day now. She had been missing for such a long time that I thought she was never coming back. The humans never gave up, they seemed to know that she would appear again one day. If only my Best Boy would come back too. I miss him so much.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
4 years
I've heard that many humans are worried and upset at the moment. I don't really understand the reason but I think it's something serious. I'm trying to help by being available for extra fuss. Kate took this photo of me, please know that I am thinking of you. Stay safe everyone.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I used to hear Robert and Miss Dorothy complain about the photos our human took. Now I know why. Just look at me - I look much more of a dumpling than Miss D ever did. Our human won't stop taking photos so I suppose I'll just have to get used to it. What's your opinion?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I really do have the best followers on Twitter! My Best Boy used to tell me how kind you were but I didn't really know what he meant. I do now. Thank you so much for your kindness, you really are the Best Followers.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
My human keeps telling me that I am her little black panther. She showed me a photo of a real black panther and I can see what she means. The real one is much bigger than me and doesn't live on an allotment. What do you think? Do we look alike?
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
2 years
My eye looks almost back to normal now. I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, I hope the vet says I'm better. I've really loved being at Kate's flat but I do miss my Dorothy and Barbs. I will still see Kate every afternoon when she comes to feed us. Life is good, I'm very lucky.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
8 months
A year ago today Red fred joined his best friend E.T. at the 🌈I've heard all about how he never left E.T.'s side and how less than a month after she went to 🌈he joined her. It was heartbreaking for everyone but he needed to be with his girl. They are together for ever now.
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Robert Allotment cat, with Barbara, Janet, Amanda
3 years
Red Fred led E.T. through the cat flap because I think he worries she wouldn't manage it on her own. He cares for her so well, he's always looking out for her and helping her. My human says he is her Assistance Cat and I think she's right. What do you think?
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